When a Brookfield, Wisconsin business owner was looking for the perfect floors to install at has new: indoor gun range, fire arms training center, fire arms safety center, retail fire arm center and club he decided to partner with Floorcare USA, Inc., out of Waukesha, Wisconsin to design and engineer the perfect flooring systems.
Concrete flooring systems are the perfect type of floor for a gun range facility as they are: durable, easy to clean, easy to maintain, high traction and beautiful.
For this Brookfield, Wisconsin business owner his concrete floors were a very important design component in his achieving the exact look in this new facility.
Floorcare USA of Waukesha, Wisconsin met with the Brookfield, Wisconsin business owner to help him engineer the perfect concrete flooring system for his new business.
After much discuss, research and site evaluation it was decided that this Brookfield, Wisconsin business owner would be best served with a polished concrete flooring system for his Brookfield, Wisconsin business.
Polished Concrete floors are the perfect type of concrete floor for a commercial business as they possess all the qualities an owner would look for in a floor:
For this Brookfield, Wisconsin based business that selected polished concrete floors for his new facility, Floorcare USA out of Waukesha, Wisconsin performed the following concrete flooring services to achieve the perfect Polished Concrete floors:
Once all testing was completed and the design and engineering phase of the polished concrete project was complete, Floorcare USA performed the following process:
Once completed this Brookfield, Wisconsin business owner has a polished concrete slab that is beautiful and will maintain its beauty and give the business owner years of reliable service if maintained properly.